Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hissed at on the seawall

Are you kidding? Did that happen? I was hissed at! Like hissss. Creepy! Ok maybe I deserved it but it was still super weird. As always, I pride myself on outsmarting the traffic. Basically I try to find the fastest routes around town as I secretly race unsuspecting runners, joggers or walkers: basically anyone who is going the same direction. I swear it's purely for entertainment sake.

So I was going for my run and embracing my inner Justine - she reads traffic the best. I swear she has this amazing ability to plan ahead. I think it's a form of mind multitasking which she absolutely excels at. Anyways, I digress. I was reading the traffic and the changing lights on my way home from my run so that I wouldn't have to stop. I absolutely didn't have the right of way but nobody was coming except for a biker off in the distance.

I made a judgment call as I sprinted across the road. That was when the biker stated pedalling harder. I mean, he put his head down and started riding the petals as hard as he could. The jeans, dirty runners and side to side wobble made it clear he wasn't a pro but as I crossed the road biker man started speeding up and hissing as he passed - like a cat! Or maybe like a goose, anyone who has run thought the lagoon on Bowen during baby season knows exactly what I mean.
