I'm realizing choosing the running road is an all too fitting title for this blog. It applies to my running life in so many ways other than simply choosing to become a full-time athlete . When I start to think about it I've realized all I do is choose, make decisions that will effect the outcome of all this hard running work. I wish I could just relax and let things be but there are too many decisions to make! To go out, to stay in, to eat this, to avoid that, is a $100 dollar appointment really better than the $45 option. I know runners are described by some as creatures of habit but I think it's because there are so many external decisions and influences that affect running. The small fraction of things under your control have to stay constant otherwise it's going to become one big frekin' fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants free for all and we all know most of us care way too much about this all consuming sport to do that and lets face it we're all way too uptight.
Anyways, yesterday was my biggest running decision of the week. To run or not to run. I realize it doesn't sound major: do I run or do I go on the elliptical? Tough life ;) ....I know! But racing season is coming up and I really want to run. The left reasonable side of my brain, although small, says if my sore foot responds badly to the run I might be setting myself up for even more time out when I've already been modifying my workouts for the last two weeks! My right brain and my heart responded with run, just test it out, get the ball rolling and try to maintain the fitness I'm losing while cross training.
Obviously my stubborn self decided to follow my right brain's advice and run. I was very aware that I can't judge my injury properly when running because adrenalin and the sheer excitement of running can numb the pain. What's important is how the foot feels about an hour after practice. I chose to run a tempo style workout with a very minor incline. I went moderate up the hill and very controlled down. My foot was warmed up and there was little to no pain for the entire thing. I cooled down, immediately applied ice and did a contrast bath. It still burns and pulls but the hot spot at the calcaneus is decreasing! I am happy I got to run and now I'm choosing to go to bed instead of staying up to write about my fun night of 90's music that takes me back to pumping NSYNC in the minivan or how amazing Tim McGraw was. Life is good!
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