Since my last post it has been one hectic week. I've been busy and as a result slow on the writing uptake. I realize "Busy" isn't a real excuse, I think busy happens when you start to lose control. I'll admit I'm kind of in that place but it's ok because it has all been by choice and it has been a fun ride.
This crazy chapter started two weeks ago when I went to an audition for “fit runner girl 25-30.” I knew this role was for me, I could feel it! I rocked the audition to the best of my running/acting abilities and waited. After the second audition I did more of the same. I “worked it” the best I could and prayed for good news. To my disbelief these positive vibes worked! I was on hold the next day and booked the job that evening!
The following day I was at a fitting and two days later (Saturday) I found myself at a 6am call-time at Vancouver’s beautiful Jericho Park. As I’ve said before, I’m not a morning person. I would never wake up voluntarily at 4:50am but a cool crisp morning with the sun slowly rising over the ocean while someone is doing my hair and make-up - not a bad place to be. After a 12-hour shoot I was late for work (I had obviously discussed this issue with lulu earlier but I’m still forever grateful for their understanding). From location, I drove directly to Lulu to finish off the evening and help them close the store. I was home by 11 pm and shooting at the Richmond oval by 7am the next day (Sunday). I was just so excited to be there! I easily filled a 14 hour day with fun shots, great food, sun, wireless internet, reading and lots of waiting with cool people.

I’m exhausted just writing this and now it’s all about recovery. I’m fighting a bug that has been creeping up on me for the last few weeks and sitting on a plane waiting to race. See…
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