Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wednesday's Adventure Run

I seriously love Wednesdays they are the best. I rise before 7 on Tuesdays and Thursdays so I let myself sleep on Wednesdays. It's the usual: wake up to coffee and cereal, check the news and get ready for my run. I take the normal route: around the meadow, throw in one or two laps of the lake (depending how I feel) and then another meadow loop. Strange encounters are redundant, I don't look twice as I pass frogs, squirrels, deers and dogs. Even yielding to horses has become commonplace. What isn't normal, was my run in with a heron that left me screaming like a little girl.

It was like the giant troll under the bridge.  I crossed this toothpick bridge that separates me from marshy wetlands of reeds, lily pads and muck. My heart stopped as its wings began beating against the wood under my feet. I didn't know what that noise was. It was like a generator warming up, when suddenly a four foot wingspan emerged from the reeds and took off. It was probably more scared of me than I should have been of it but my heart jumped out of my chest because of this guy.

This isn't the exact bird but you get the idea. Once I got over the adrenalin rush I laughed as I added heron to the list of don't look twice animals. But seriously herons are huge....see

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