Today's Lesson |
I asked for this. I can't walk, it's my calves! I knew that doing an entire workout in spikes would make them stiff but I didn't expect this. It's ridiculous I've been crawling around the house all day and when I try to walk I look like frankenstein - I can't bend my knees. When I try to "walk" down stairs I have to turn sideways and move stiff-legged while using the handrail for balance. What a ridiculous Monday! Looking back at my weekend I should have expected this. A Saturday track workout of 600, 4x300,200,100 and then 5 hours of work, a night out dancing in heels, followed by a 70 minute Sunday run and then finally 7 hours of work. It resulted in this Monday. A Monday where I slept in until 12:30 (omg... I know and don't judge) and a necessary cross training session where I biked for an hour and did some yoga to stretch out these calves.
Stupid, I know but despite my lower limbs I'm feeling pretty good after my long sleep. I'm still totally satisfied with my workout. I finished my 600 in 1:32 followed by my 3,2,1's in in 45,30/45,30/45,31/46,31! The workout wasn't that stellar by track season standards but considering I haven't worn spikes or really been on the track since July I'll take it. This Saturday was a mental accomplishment more than anything. I felt like an inefficient brick out there but I had strength. I could dig deep and when I told myself to change pace I did, well I sort of, again no speed work.
Last season I tried so hard to run fast and I just couldn't. There is no way I could have finished a workout like this. I'm so grateful to be feeling like my old self again. I'll take these Frankenstein calves over total fatigue any day.
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