Monday, February 7, 2011

Rushing for balance

When did things become so complicated? All I really need in life is coffee, running, family and friends. It shouldn't be difficult but this was most definitely not the case as I was sitting on the 7:30 am ferry planning my Saturday: drink coffee on ferry, walk to parking, drive to track, meet jules, workout 8:30 -10am (rushed cool-down), change/wash face/apply make-up in car, drive to Milestones for Nat's 10:30 B-day brunch, enjoy California Omelette with ham instead of bacon, run from restaurant to car, drive to work, work 12-7, sleep!

My workout was 3 (1000, 3x200) and for this doosey I needed my training partner. I let Julia pick the track because I was so grateful she would join me so early. Upon our arrival we were greeted with a blanket of fog which was almost as thick as the fence enclosing the entire stadium. I guess they don’t want people running on weekends? This wasn't really a big deal as we scaled the fence onto our red carpet event. It's been done before. Somehow Swangard is less than an A-list track venue as an empty stadium in mid-winter.

The workout went really well and I was really happy with our pacing (thanks Jules). I finished the first set in 3:07 32,32,31 then 3:05 33,32,32 followed by 3:09 32,32,32.  When I finished my last 200 it was  a quick reality check as I realized we took forever! I was behind on my plans and should've been on my way to brunch already. My cool down lasted the 5 minutes it took for me to re-climbe the fence and run to the car. Let me just say it was much harder to climb the fence the second time around thanks to the lactic acid.

Showering was never an option so I took what was left of my water, poured it on my towel and gave myself a quick sponge bath (gross I know). I quickly changed in my car (into the clothes I would wear to work), shoved my hair in a bun and applied make-up over the dried sweat and my very red face (as I said before totally gross).  I drove to Milestones as quickly and safely as I could. I was late but I was there. I had an hour to enjoy a really nice convo before work. An hour later I rushed to work and arrived at 11:59, yes! I was pretending not to be absolutely flustered and totally stiff from the lack of cool-down as I meandered into work. Yes, I was back on track!

I'm not an advocate of this fast paced lifestyle but it seems to follow me everywhere I go. Ironically in my quest for balance rushing is really hard to avoid. All I want is to kick ass in the running world while having fun doing it!

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