Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Yo soy cansadra from 2K's

Tuesday practice was once again at Mundy Park, we are still doing some longer work before hitting the track and I'm grateful for it! Driving to practice I was apprehensive, I haven't run since I hurt my foot on Saturday. I really wanted to run but I didn't want to cause anymore damage to my foot. I taped my foot like I have been for the last while and through a 20-minute warm-up it was feeling ok (thanks to the softer ground). The damage for today was 3x 2K. I felt fresh because I've been cross training for the last two days but my quads were extra tired from the excessive biking and ellipticalling.

I began the first 2K feeling energized and only tired at the top of my quads. My thoughts focused on going hard and strong through the 2K but I was still very well aware that I had 2 more 2k's to complete. I finished the first interval in 6:34. During the second interval I felt pretty tired in the quads which limited my movement but I still finished in 6:31 (I'm not sure if I've ever broken 6:30).  On the final interval I felt as if I didn't attack the 2K like I had during the first two. This was a conscious, not necessarily smart or strong, decision. I was tired and didn't want to be beaten by the hill. I think I may have gone a bit too easy in my decision to not attack the hill as strong, I won't admit that I didn't try but I think if I had of started faster I would still have been totally exhausted but pushed though. From this I'm going to remind myself to take risks, last week I had times way faster than expected because I didn't think about what I had to do after that interval I was engaged in. Remember take risks in running and hold on cause you may surprise yourself! I'm still happy with the last interval I didn't give up, my quads were burning, I was very fatigued and I didn't slow down but still I finished a bit slower in 6:36. After a 15-minute cool down my foot hurt a bit but it was no worse for wear.

I went straight to a very painful massage where I had my calfs and plantar worked on. After a lot of icing it's not feeling too bad. I will decided tomorrow if I'm going to run on it. I spent the rest of my day enjoying a renaissance coffee while writing a lulu facebook article on core strength and taking a spanish class with Rob.  Today I am so glad I was able to run I'm still hoping that my foot will magically heal itself if I'm carful and receive the necessary treatment. Buenas noches.

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